Emergencies > Help for families

first aid 1882053 - aebopleidingen, CC0
Where can I find help for my familiy?
The family enjoys a particularly high priority in Germany. For this reason, families with children have special entitlement for assistance and advice. They can receive free psychological support, for example, to deal with bad experience that happened in their home country. You can also take advice on pregnancy and education. Parents are supported in the upbringing of small children and receive, for example, a place in kindergartens and day care facilities. Children without parents are completely taken care of by the state and are accommodated in homes, shared apartments or nursing homes according to availability and age. Parents are also strongly supported in school education, as children have to go to school at least until the age of 16. Children from low-income families receive financial assistance with school trips or the acquisition of textbooks.
How do I get to a counseling center for families?
Wie gelange ich zu einer Beratungsstelle für Familien?
I need advice.
Ich benötige Beratung.
What are the opening times of the counseling center?
Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten der Beratungsstelle?
When can I get an appointment?
Wann kann ich einen Termin bekommen?
What documents are required?
Was für Unterlagen werden benötigt?
Who should I contact if I need to reschedule?
An wen muss ich mich wenden, wenn ich den Termin verschieben muss?
I have no financial funds for a counseling.
Ich habe keine finanziellen Mittel, um Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
I can/ can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen
I need a certification of my indigence.
Ich benötige eine Bescheinigung über meine Bedürftigkeit.