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Companies > Advice / Consulting / Law


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This sector can be broken down into the consulting, advisory and legal sectors.

This industry is largely a pure service industry. Although working hours and working conditions are subject to clear regulations, they are often also subject to influences such as customer availability, special rush hours and the like. In addition to large companies geared to the corresponding services, there are also many small and medium-sized companies, as well as individual companies with particular specialisations.

The term law refers to the totality of the rules of conduct in a society that are guaranteed. These are called standards of conduct, either created by customary law or by law as enacted, generally applicable rules and rights.

Training with a notary, lawyer, in the judiciary or administration includes the professions of notary clerk, legal clerk, judicial clerk and administrative clerk. It is possible to study law with the aim of becoming a fully qualified lawyer* or a Bachelor's degree with a legal focus.
